Stay inside

Текст песни

Stay inside your love
Changes go swiftly if you care
Stay inside the way you look
The clothes you always wear

Slay until you know
It’s all the same like days before
The computer of the world
Makes a critical error

Stay in shifting sense
Stay in X-rays of city lights


Somewhere in the end of drive
A man buys flowers for his wife
She’s nice, she likes to sing and dance
But flowers bloom right in his hands
He drops them off and takes a bus
The bus is green like new-mown grass
The driwer likes to yell and frown
And hates to stop in downtown

Someday this place will say farewell
And burn and dive right into Hell
So where’s the point to lay your hat?
So where’s the sight you won’t forget?
Behind the gates, beyond the walls
Or even further most of all
I hope for now I’ve said enough
You’d better stay inside your love

Stay inside your love
Changes go swiftly if you care
Stay inside the way you look
The clothes you always wear

Slay until you know
It’s always same like days before
The computer of my world
Makes a critical error
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