Generation of angels

Текст песни

If you get this life
You've got to move on
For music sex and your crazy drive
They can make you roam

Your feelings can turn to fresh
If you change your mind
If you get this life

Arise and take a gaze
On houses and cars
Where people spend their days
With the movie stars

Choose your wind and go
To another view
Let your body flow

Get yourself undressed
You are one of us
A brand new one who's blessed
Not to keep the past

Rise and let it go
Seconds in and out
Isn't it enough
For you can sing it loud

Generation of Angels
We are
Go to the country where you'll dive into the brighter light
Straight to the country where we'll get you any time you like
Go to the fields and the trees and the grass
Don't care 'bout the future and the past

Absolutely free definitely safe
We don't need TV
To catch our own wave
Let the wings bring you
To the place you love
Isn't it enough

Absolutely free from the human kind
They don't need no fee
To see that we don't mind
Help the best grow up
Let the worst get down
Who can make you stop
For you can sing it loud

Generation of Angels
We are
Go to the country where you'll dive into the brighter light
Straight to the country where we'll get you any time you like
Go to the fields and the trees and the grass
Don't care 'bout the future and the past

If you think about it

If you get this life
You've got to move on
For music sex and a crazy drive
They can make you roam

Your feelings can turn to fresh
If you change your mind
If you get this life
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