
Исполнитель: Ivan Black

Жанр: Поп
Длительность: 01:57
Битрейт: 320 kbps
Правообладатель: ООО "КЛЕВЕР ГРУПП"

Текст песни

We feel that we have a responsibility to... shine the light... into the darkness. You know there's a lot of darkness out here. We watch it all the time. I'm busy lookin' at the darkness sayin' "Damn, there's some darkness over there." Whatever. And we have a responsibility to focus on it. You know, ya'll be kool. We know that we know how to make some music and that music ain't supposed to stand still...
It's like that. Mos Def and Kweli. (Black Star... guide me... Black Star... Black Star)
It's like that. Mos Def and Kweli. (Black Star)
We know where the real life documentarians are. Who? Of course the mighty Mos Def is a real life documentarian. Talib Kweli... real life documentarian
Anyhow, the statements that they make will determine what everybody else plays very shortly. Ya dig? And that's the way it goes. So here we go!
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