The End ​

Исполнитель: Twelves

Длительность: 06:00
Битрейт: 320 kbps
Правообладатель: ООО "Веста Мьюзик"

Текст песни

This is the end to change me now
This is the end is better than burning out
Oooo... is better than burning out
Ooo ooo

There was a time when all the days Were filled with love and light
Nothing seemed to bother us
We loved every night
But now the days have grown so cold
I feel it in my heart
Do we have to part

This is the end to change me now
The end is better than burning out
Oooo... is better than burning out
Ooo ooo

I see the open door
Remember how I loved you so
For all the years now I must go
I think it's best for me to leave
I can't stay on no more (no mooooore)
The cold is getting to my heart

This is the end to change me now
The end is better than burning out
Oooo... is better than burning out
Ooo ooo

But now the days have grown so cold
I feel it in my heart (I feel it in my heart)
But now the days have grown so cold
I feel it in my heart
Ooo ooo ooooooo

This is the end..
But I think our love...
This is the end

Someday, you will find the one, who will watch every sunrise
Someday ... but this is the end
O o o.... this is the end (the end)
O o o... this is the end, the end, the end
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