Only sky

Текст песни

Gotta meet a rock star
Gotta make mistakes
Gotta believe that someone else
Would buy me perfect brakes

Gotta waste a minute
Just waiting for your call
Gotta get out of windows, baby
Laughing at my role

Got to be patient when
The fire goes up
Got to mean the fall when
All the people mean the start

Basically that's what you call
The hidden part of me
So let yourself be wiser
Come and take what's free

Cause now
Now there is only room we need
And there is only price we need
And there is only life we need
Cause there
Now there is only role we need
And there is only home we need
And there is only sky

Lay down it's a bedroom
For those who never sleep
Make a charming breakfast
For someone who hates to eat

All the rest is what you want
To make a day be locked
So say all the stuff is special, baby
Does it really work?

Your face wouldn’t lie me and
As soon as we get close 
The words that I’m repeating will get true
Cause I suppose that there

That there is only room we need
And there is only price we need
And there is only life we need
Cause there
Cause there is only role we need
And there is only home we need
And there is only sky

Cause now
Now there is only room we need
And there is only price we need
And there is only life we need
Cause there
Cause there is only role we need
And there is only home we need
And there is only sky

Because there is only room
And there is only sky

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