Исполнитель: ARSENY PETROV

Жанр: Поп
Рейтинг: 18+
Длительность: 02:55
Битрейт: 320 kbps
Правообладатель: ИП Маркин Д.О.

Текст песни

Let me cut you, okay

I will play to be warmed by your ecstasy bleeding

And before blocking me there's no way

That you're tired or these boring repetitions

So then I'll tell you again

That gray faceless manhunt isn't what you dreaming of

Finally fuck you and here's

Your pray but is there anyone who still breathing?
Give up, give up, give up, give up

Give up, give up, give up, give up

Give up, give up, give up, give up

Give up, give up, give up, give up

Give up, give up, give up, give up

Give up, give up, give up, give up

Give up, give up, give up, give up

Give up, give up, give up, give up
I argue louder every new day

My knees are festering, please let me stay

Calm down and eat your new happy birthday

Are you there? Are you there?

Are you there? Are you there?

I argue louder every new day

My knees are festering, please let me stay

Calm down and eat your new happy birthday

Are you there? Are you there?

Are you there? Are you there?
I wanna be your fever

I wanna be your fever

I wanna be your fever

You fever (Whoa)

I wanna be your fever

I'm ready so keep killing

My evening so I (Are you there?)

I wanna be your fever

I'm ready so keep killing

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