
Текст песни

Somewhere the moonlit scenery shifts
Out in the fields the movement begins
Shaping the forms and changing skin from green to grave
I come to know that this is the end
Have to turn my back on you again
No more denying no more trying to change what we’ve become
I see the passing of the clouds so high above
As I dream of what we never were but maybe could be No matter you don’t matter now
No matter you don’t matter now
Guess my dreams were not to last
Guess my dreams were not to last
Into the wilderness we break
Shadows come hiding under the trees
You’ll never know the truth before you make your move
You have to know what we came to be Can’t you find a way to set me free
No more denying no more lying now that I decide
To see the passing of the clouds so high above
As I dream of what we never were and never could be No matter you don’t matter now
No matter you don’t matter now
Guess my dreams were not to last
Guess my dreams were not to last
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