So Much More

Текст песни

When I see you I dream of the time we could spend together
You’re damn good for me, girl, but I know that it’s now or never
I’ve been feeling it lately, it’s hard to get through
Ain’t no way I can keep moving on without you
When we get on the floor we see nobody round
Girl, I can’t really wait until the shades go down
There’s so much more to see when the light is gone
There’s so much more to feel when the music is on
There’s nowhere else to go but to follow you
And you’ll never be alone as long as I’m with you
I’m so close to you now I can feel how your heart is beating
Get your groove on and dance nothing else now has any meaning
I’ve been feeling it lately, it’s hard to get through
Ain’t no way I can keep moving on without you
When we get on the floor we see nobody round
Girl, I can’t really wait until the shades go down
There’s so much more to see when the light is gone
There’s so much more to feel when the music is on
There’s nowhere else to go but to follow you
And you’ll never be alone as long as i’m with you
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