Break The Silence

Исполнитель: Spitfire

Жанр: Панк-рок
Длительность: 03:55
Битрейт: 320 kbps
Правообладатель: ЦЕЗИС

Текст песни

When I was just a young boy 
I always was told 
The world is just a silver 
But silence is a gold 
All you say to someone else 
He can use against yourself 
People don't like the big mouths 
So check yourself 

But i don't need your silence 
I need your voice 
Don't stand here like a statue 
Please make some noise 
Scream for me, shout for me 
Do it in the count of three 
You gotta break the silence 
And just be free 

Give it up, give it up 
You'd better lose your frown 
Give it up, give it up 
You'd better don't bring me down 
Make a sound, make a sound 
Let me know that you're alive 
Move around, move around 
Get on stage and do the dive 
Do it now, do it now 
Nobody's watching you 
Anyway, anyhow 
No one can stop you 
Gotta make up your mind 
Be that you wanna be 
Open wide, open wide 
Silence is killing me 

Gotta breal the silence
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